Cyber Security Awareness Training & Simulated Phishing Platform

Attackers Are Here, Where Are You?

The partner of Billion10 Communications, KnowBe4 is the world’s largest integrated platform for security awareness training and simulated phishing. In this guide you’ll find:

  • Why security awareness training is needed
  • What the KnowBe4 platform offers
  • Vital attributes to look for in any security awareness training vendor


KnowBe4 helps tens of thousands of customers to manage the ongoing problem of social engineering. With the world’s largest library of security awareness training content, including interactive modules, videos, games, posters and newsletters, our mission is to enable your employees to make smarter security decisions, every day. KnowBe4’s competitive advantage is two-fold. First, using a variety of tools and information feeds, we give an organization a good snapshot of their current risk profile. This step, often skipped by competitors, is a necessary step to selecting the right defensive mitigations and efficiently decreasing risk. Second, KnowBe4’s focus on local threat intelligence allows you to better focus on stopping the threats which are being specifically made, and succeeding, against your environment. Most security awareness training vendors focus primarily on using globally-collected phishing email statistics across all phishing email attempts and customers, and communicate the global trends as if they should be the ones, you too, should be most worried about. KnowBe4 reports on emerging global trends; but gives IT administrators the power to see how local phishing attempts and successes differ from those in the larger world and how to respond accordingly. KnowBe4 uses a multi-pronged approach, which begins with understanding your organization’s specific risk posture, and then allows you to leverage both the global pulse of the real-world phishing attempts, along with the ones that have made it past your specific defenses:

Training Library

KnowBe4 offers the world’s largest library of always-fresh security awareness training content that includes assessments, interactive training modules, videos, games, posters, and newsletters. To easily deliver this content library to customers, KnowBe4 has a “ModStore.” As a customer, you can use the ModStore to search, browse, and preview content and—depending on subscription level—add your chosen training content to your KnowBe4 account library. Our partnerships with e-learning and security awareness content providers across the globe bring unique flavor and flair to the collection to ensure training campaigns stay current, relevant, and engaging for your users. The ModStore contains a wide variety of content on many different topics and content types.

Training Modules are interactive modules that cover a wide range of topics. Modules are SCORM-Compliant and can be downloaded for use with your own LMS. Hundreds of training modules are brandable.

Videos are MP4 files that can be watched in-browser or downloaded for use with your own LMS.

Mobile-First Modules are optimized to be viewed and interacted with on a mobile device. These modules are no longer than five minutes and are designed to engage users; whether while they’re on the go or located in low-bandwidth regions. Mobile‑First Modules are brandable and SCORM-Compliant, so they can be downloaded for use with your own LMS.

Assessments can provide a breakdown of your organization’s strengths and weaknesses. You can use assessment results to create a more targeted security awareness training plan.

Games can reinforce the skills and information that your users are learning in a new and interesting way. Games are SCORM-Compliant and can be downloaded for use with your own LMS.

Newsletters and security documents are PDF files that can be printed or shared digitally with your users. These documents cover a wide range of cybersecurity topics to help reinforce the skills your users learn from training.

Posters and artwork are high-quality images and PDFs that can be printed or shared digitally with your users. We encourage you to hang posters within your office or distribute them to your employees’ home offices to act as a visual reminder to keep security in mind during everyday tasks.

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Simulated Phishing Content

Our extensive library of templates allows you to use the KnowBe4 platform for “turnkey phishing.” You can be up and running in less than 30 minutes.

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